Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Marie- Louise Anderson


Stephen McLaughlan Gallery - Presents
Marie - Louise Anderson's
resent works

Opening 2pm - 4pm Saturday July 3rd
Exhibion is on from the 30th of June - the 17th of July 2010.
For further deatils head to the link above.

Glass Work.

Half cut glass bowl with flour sand blasting design... inspired by the Abbotsford Convent ground tiles.

Slumping "bear" inspired by working in progress exploring a human analysis through animals.
Experimenting converting printing into glass medium.

Engraving and sandblasting: converting my aquatint hard ground etching into glass engraving.

♥♥Hot glass!!!! clear yellow spiral twist in the center red speckles sounding the middle outer and black speckles around the outer top.

Slumping girls legs, with sand blasting and
: adopted form a hard ground aqua tint etching and inspiration from the spring flowers.


Glass Platter. Fusing and slumping.