Monday, August 30, 2010

Human Hack Sclupture/ Instulation.

"... Harold Rosnberg the art critic, has often argued, the cuture of any society at the moment is more like debris, or "fall out" of past ideological systems, than it is itself a system a choerent whole. Cohernt wholes may exsist ( but these tend to be lodged in individual heads, sometimes in those of obssessionals or paranoicas) But human social groups tend to find their openess to the future in the variety of there metaphors for what may be a good life and in the same context of their paradigms if there is order, it is seldom preordained (through transiently bayonets may underpin some political schema); it is transientily achived the result of conflicting or concurring wills and inteligences each relying on some convincing paradigm...."
By Victor Witter Turner

If you go down to the woods today,
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go down to the woods today,
You'd better go in disguise.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Recent happenings with my art!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I bought this really Kitch fur the other week and I laugh at what human social trait it represents one that has been experienced way to much through out the social norm...
Photos will be posted when I get my hands on a camera!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Leather up above

Pigs skin

Them all together !!!
Exploring the notion that we can find simmlaritys between Humans and Animals...